
I am trying to write a research paper on Coping skills (ability to assess situation) and Psychological symptoms (anxiety).


I an having a hard time searching for what I need. what key words would work best?

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 87


I'm not quite sure what you're looking for, based on your brief description. I'll take a shot at it, but if you don't find this useful, reply (using the link in the email) with more detail about your research topic or see Professor Boyd in the library and y'all can discuss your information need in greater detail.

All of my searches are accessed through the Psychology LibGuide at . I started with the gold Articles tab, and clicked on PsycARTICLES.

If you are looking for coping behavior and anxiety, try searching MM "coping behavior" AND anxiety. Be sure to paste everything including the MM and quotation marks into the search box. This yields 74 articles within the last 10 years, which you can narrow to your population.

You refer specifically to "ability to assess the situation". That's what has me wondering. Are you thinking about social perception? If so, try this search: MM "social perception" AND anxiety . Again, paste everything into the search box. This search yields 9 results.

If I'm on the right track, let us know and we'll help you find more. If we're not, give us more explanation, and we'll get some better results.

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