
I need to find scholarly articles on negative customer service feedback


I am writing a research paper on the impact on a business from negative feedback through social media.

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Sep 02, 2020     Views: 337


It's the need for scholarly articles that makes this search difficult. At this point in time, there is more information in the trade literature. It takes a while for a phenomenon to make it into the scholarly literature. If you search enough databases though, you can pull together the information.

Start with the Business Administration LibGuide at . Click on the gold Articles tab. This page contains a list of good places to look for articles on business. I started with ABI Inform Complete, an excellent source. After clicking the link, you will be asked to log in with your Brenau username and password.

All of my searches were limited to scholarly articles; none were limited by date because the literature is very recent.

In ABI Inform Complete I searched "social media" AND negative AND "customer service". Include the quotation marks in your search; it yields more relevant results. I found one article with this search. It doesn't look peer reviewed, but I checked it out and it is. You can also search "social media" AND complaints AND "customer service", which also yields one article.

Then I moved on to the next database on the Articles tab of the LibGuide, Business Source Complete. Here I searched "social media" AND "consumer complaints". I had four hits here, including Corsjens, M., & Umblijs, A. (2012). The power of evil: The damage of negative social media strongly outweigh positive contributions. Journal Of Advertising Research, 52(4), 433-449. doi:10.2501/JAR-52-4-433-449 .

Next I moved on to another database on the list, Science Direct. Everything in the database is scholarly. I repeated my search of "social media" AND "consumer complaints". This search yielded 43 hits, some more relevant than others. One of the better was Labrecque, L. I., vor dem Esche, J., Mathwick, C., Novak, T. P., & Hofacker, C. F.2013. Consumer power: Evolution in the digital age. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27(4), 257-269.

Hope this helps! If not, let us know the problems you encounter.

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