
I need to find articles on Hofstede's cultural dimension of individualism/collectivism in South Korea.


Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Sep 02, 2020     Views: 107


What an interesting subject! Since you are a student in the graduate business program, the best place to start for this topic is the Business LibGuide, located at
Click on the yellow tab for Articles. In the center of the page, you'll see a list of databases where you can search for your topic. All are good choices with excellent collections, but I suggest starting with the database ABI/INFORM Complete. Click on the link to  ABI/INFORM Complete and enter your Brenau username and password. You'll arrive at the main search page.
Enter the first search: try the whole term "uncertainty avoidance" AND "south korea". You'll note two things about this search term. 
#1, the conjunction AND is placed between the phrases. This tells the search engine that you want articles with both these things in it, not just one or the other. (Imagine having to look through all the articles on South Korea just to find the ones that mention uncertainty avoidance!)
#2, there are quotation marks around each phrase. These marks tell the search engine to only look for articles where those two words appear side by side, which focuses your results and eliminates clutter you have to look through. 
When you arrive at the results, you can make adjustments to which results are shown by using the toolbar options on the right side of the results page. In ABI/INFORM Complete, you'll find results like this one below:
Jung, J. M. (2002). Interactive impact of culture and individual characteristics on ethical decision
making processes, criteria, and judgmental outcomes: A cross-national comparison between South Korea and United States. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati.

After reviewing your article results from the first search, try more versions of your search - for example, you may want to look for Hofstede AND "South Korea" for more information on Hofstede's dimensions as applied to that particular country. 

When you are done with the first database, try these same searches in another of the business databases in the LibGuide list. Each database has a unique collection, so keep trying different databases if you are not satisfied with your results - you may find additional articles in one database that were not available in the other.

You may want to search Science Direct next. It is more complicated to search, but worth the effort. It is listed on the LibGuide a little below ABI/Inform. Science Direct presents 2 search boxes, linked with the "AND". Type "uncertainty avoidance" into the first box and "South Korea" into the second. Limit the date to the last 10 years. This search yields over 200 results. To further focus the results, scroll down the page. In the left side toolbar, under "Topic", click South Korea and click uncertainty avoidance , then click the "limit to" button. The results include a number of relevant articles, such as

Kull, T. J., & Wacker, J. G. (2010). Quality management effectiveness in Asia: The influence of culture. Journal of Operations Management, 28(3), 223-239. doi: 10.1016/j.jom.2009.11.003

If you need more, respond and let us know!


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