
I'm looking for information on the effectiveness of using social studies centers in the classroom


information documenting the impact of teaching social studies using centers

Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Sep 03, 2020     Views: 30


The first thing that you will want to do is to go to the education libguide at  From here choose the articles tab.  You will see a list of education databases listed under Education Articles.  Choose Education Journals by ProQuest about half way down the list of databases.  Once you click on this database, you will be asked to login in with your Brenau username and password.  The home page of this database will look like this:


I had difficulty finding resources when I made my search too narrow by included "social studies" in my search.  When I broadened my search to "classroom learning centers" as shown above, I found many more results.  In addition, you will want to click on full text as I have done to limit your results to articles that we have access to here at the library. 

You might also try running this same search in ScienceDirect which is listed below ProQuest in the Education LibGuide.

I hope that this helps!

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