
I would like to get a review of methods for decreasing obesity among adolescents, I tried to use zotero but having trouble


I wanted to make sure there is significant literature on this subject before I do a project on this, also if I need help with writing how do I set up an appt Thanks so much

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 76


I would begin my background research in Medline, which is easily accessed from . It is huge and will give you a perspective of the research available on your topic. Two searches come to mind immediately, depending on whether you are interested in treatment or in prevention. For prevention, paste obesity AND adolescents AND prevention into the search box. Scroll down and choose your date range. DO NOT limit to full text, since you want an overview of the literature.Getting full text is a simple matter, and we'll worry about that later. You can choose to click the "review articles" box, which will limit your results to lit reviews and be the most efficient route into the literature. If you prefer to see the original research, leave it unchecked. Alternatively, search obesity AND adolescents AND prevention for articles on prevention. The "AND" is important to the search; don't leave it out. If you find an article you think will be important in your research, collect it now. We'll get down to the nitty-gritty research soon.

This will get you started, and I will be meeting with you in Dr. Moore's class in a few weeks.

Regarding help with writing, it depends on what kind of help. If you want help with the writing process - drafting a problem statement, creating a funneled research plan (outline) to guide the research and writing process, using claims and evidence in APA style, schedule an appointment for a consultation with me at and I'll be glad to meet with you. If you want help with the mechanics of writing (grammar, paragraph construction, usage, etc.) or with expressing your thoughts clearly, contact the Writing Center at .

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