Answered By: Linda Kern Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016 Views: 1693
Really good question! So good that we asked the Style Expert at the APA to be sure. When citing a review in Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print (MMY), treat this as an online reference work, rather than a database.
A citation would look like this:
Sauser, W. I., Jr., & Sheehan, E. P. (2005). Test review of National Survey of Student Engagement. In R. A. Spies & B. S. Plake (Eds.), The sixteenth mental measurements yearbook. Retrieved from
(Of course, there should be a hanging indent, but my software won't cooperate with that.)
Sauser, W. I., Jr., & Sheehan, E. P. = the authors who wrote the reviews. There are actually two separate reviews, one written by Sauser and one written by Sheehan. Treat them as if there was one review, written by two people. To locate the authors, look at the beginning of each review. You will see something like this: "Review of the National Survey of Student Engagement by WILLIAM I. SAUSER, JR., Associate Dean and Professor..." and "Review of the National Survey of Student Engagement by EUGENE P. SHEEHAN, Dean..."
(2005). = the publication year of the MMY that the review appeared in. To find this date, look at the information about the test itself. It is before the actual reviews of the test. You will see Mental Measurements Review Number:16032944. The 16 at the beginning of the number means that these reviews were published in the 16th MMY. To get the specifics on the 16th MMY, go the Buros web site at . This page has citation templates for the last several years. Grab this date from the template for the 16th MMY.
Test review of National Survey of Student Engagement. = This is the name of the test. It will always be phrased Test review of Whatever Test I am Looking At. Note the italics.
In R. A. Spies & B. S. Plake (Eds.), The sixteenth mental measurements yearbook. = The details on the particular yearbook and its editors. Copy and paste it from the template on the Buros site. Note the capitalization and italics.
Retrieved from = The retrieval info. Don't copy and paste this from the Buros template. APA says it must always be: Retrieved from .
And there you have it - a perfect APA citation of a test review from MMY. Sorry it's so complicated. Good thing that we don't often cite reviews on a whole lot of tests!
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