The best way to locate our holdings for this item is to start at the catalog.
Click on advancd search under the magnifying glass.
Type your journal title (Journal of Aging Studies) in the search box. Scroll down to Limit Your Search and change the format dropdown to Journals/Magazines. Click search.
You'll see a list of results that show you each of our databases that holds that journal title, and the dates they include. Click on the first database, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, to view the journal in that online collection. (You will be prompted to log in with your Brenau username and password.)
Use the links on the right side of the page to select the desired date (2006) and volume/issue numbers (Volume 20, Issue 3).
You'll see nine articles published in that issue of your journal, and "Older adults' perspectives on driving cessation" is #5 in the list. Click on the Linked Full Text button below the article information to view it in its entirety! (This linked text will appear in a pop-up window, so make sure that your pop-up blocker is off to view it.)
Please let us know if we can help you with anything else!
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