
why do my search results take for ever to load?


I can search and results come up on my screen, but I can view them because it says that it is still loading

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2020     Views: 63


It could be as simple as your browser blocking pop-ups. Most of the databases use pop-ups to function properly, so you will want to be sure your browser is not blocking them.

Long page loading times could be caused by a number of other factors, many of which are related to your computer and where you are physically when accessing the databases. Since you take classes on the Gainesville campus, I suggest you stop by the IT Help Desk in the Redwine Computer Center (in the Library) and talk to Greg White, the awesome IT support person.

If you are working on your laptop, bring it with you.

If you are using your desktop computer, be prepared to tell Mr. White what kind of computer you are using, about how old it is, what browser you are using, and whether or not it's up to date.

In addition to these issues, if it is slow at home but not on campus, it may be related to your Internet service provider.

If Mr. White says it's not your computer, browser, or ISP, then come by the library and talk with us. We will need to know which database you are using and how long it takes the pages to load, as a starting point.

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