
Hi. Where can I find articled on reading strategies?


Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Jan 04, 2017     Views: 72


It looks like you already know how to get to the libguides but just in case, please go to the education libguide at URL:  Click on the articles tab and this will take you to a list of databases that will be most helpful to you in your education searches.  I would choose Academic Search complete.  Enter a simple search term into the basic search box such as "reading strategies" including the quotation marks so that academic search will know to search for these two terms together rather than separately.  You should also limit your search to full text if you want to receive only results to which you have full text access.  Additionally, you may want to limit the search by date and to scholary journals.  Your search will look something like this:

You will find that you get a lot of results.  You can futher narrow these results by using the subject thesaurus terms to the left of your results screen.  Click on Subject: Thesaurus Term and you will see that the first term is reading strategies.  Clicking on this will narrow your search.  It will look like this:

I hope this is helpful to you.

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