
Do we need headings throughout the paper? How do you cite a website within the text?


The paper that Ms. Kerns gave our class has Headings throughout the paper....Also, how do you cite a website within the text? For example, webmd (autism spectrum disorder)

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 955

Hello! Whether headings are required is determined by the professor. Properly formatted headings help the reader to understand the organization or the paper and the hierarchy of information. Often headings are appreciated even if they aren't required.

The key to citing within the text is to be sure your in-text citation matches what is in your reference entry before the date. For information about citing a website, see the FAQ on reference entries here: Those questions also address the in-text citation. For additional information on formatting a web citation, see How to Cite Something You Found on a Website in APA Style.

You didn't ask, but your professor wants primary sources and scholarly sources. Instead of WebMD, which is considered a popular secondary source and not appropriate for research, you may want to try these high quality primary sources:

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