
I need help finding a scholarly ebook on fighting for ownership of land rights?


Writing an Intro paragraph on the forceful removal and relocation of people from their homes and land by the government. Can you please help me find one more ebook showing how people are fighting now days for their rights to their lands and homes?

Answered By: Trustee Library
Last Updated: Feb 05, 2017     Views: 21


A search in our catalog at for the phrase "property rights" AND United States brings back numerous results. Be sure to enter the phrase "property rights" with quotation marks around it so the system knows to search these two words in this order. Also make sure the word AND is in all caps to tell the search engine it is the Boolean AND. After you search these exact terms, use the format limiters on the left side of the results page to narrow your format to just ebooks. To do this, click the box beside the word ebooks and the catalog will only display ebook results. In searching those specific terms, I had more than 30 ebook matches! I believe one of them will help you complete your paragraph.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if I can assist you further.

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