
I'm looking for an AJOT article earlier than 1991. In the 70's I believe. Title: Doing, being and becoming: by Gail Fidler. Thanks. Rosalie M


Answered By: Trustee Library
Last Updated: Aug 27, 2020     Views: 147

Hi Rosalie,

We don't subscribe to issues of AJOT earlier than 2006, however you may be able to request a copy of the article through our InterLibrary Loan.

To request an Interlibrary Loan for an article, go to the Request an Article page and fill out the form information.  Our ILL Specialist will then contact you with more information.

To help you fill out the citation information needed on the ILL form, here is the abstract I found in MEDLINE regarding the article:

Fidler, G., & Fidler, J. (1978). Doing and becoming: purposeful action and self-actualization. The American Journal Of
     Occupational Therapy.: Official Publication Of The American Occupational Therapy Association
, 32(5), 305-310.

If you need any additional assistance or information, please respond to this thread or contact someone at the library.  We're happy to help.

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