
Is there a URL link to the nursing student handbook?


Answered By: Trustee Library
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 154

If you are using the electronic copy of the Brenau Nursing Handbook through Blackboard, the URL available when the handbook is open in Blackboard can be used in your citation. See also the below information about citing the handbook:


If you received a printed copy from Brenau, treat it as a book. If you read an online copy, treat it as an ebook. You will want to cite the specific chapter or section you are using. For an example of a chapter in a print book, see . For an example of an ebook, see Chapter / Section of a Web Document or Online Book Chapter. If the author of the chapter or book is unknown, begin the reference entry with the title of the chapter. In the text, cite it as ("Chapter title," 2009).

For more resources to use when citing articles, see the Citing Sources, in the Nursing LibGuide.

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