
How do I find information on assessments?


I need reviews to evaluate the quality of the assessment I plan to use for my research.

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 192


It's very important to justify the choice of the assessment you use for your research study. The first place to look for evaluative information on an English-language, commercially published assessment is Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY), which contains reviews on over 2,700 contemporary testing instruments within areas such as psychology, education, business, and leadership.

Access MMY from the Psychology LibGuide, the Psychology Masters Programs LibGuide, the Advanced Education LibGuide, the Occupational Therapy LibGuide, or the Databases A-Z LibGuide.

MMY is searchable by the name of the assessment, its acronym, its publisher, the authors' names, the constructs it scores, and the subject classification of the test.

If you don't find reviews of the instrument in MMY, the next solution is to visit the larger databases you search for other information needs, such as PsycINFO, Academic Search Complete, or ERIC. These can also be accessed through the LibGuides linked above. Search the name of the assessment, in quotes. For example, search "Devereux Student Strengths Assessment". The results will hopefully include include validity studies of the instrument. At the least, the results should include studies that used the instrument in question. The references of these studies can be mined for relevant validity studies.

Once a study is identified, the full text can be located through the Library catalog or our Information Delivery Service.

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