
I am having trouble finding at least two articles on nature vs. nurture.


I am trying to focus on intelligence, behaviors, or personality. Can you please help me find something or point me in the right direction?

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Jan 29, 2017     Views: 1345

I suggest you start with the Advanced Education Research LibGuide at Click on the General Education tab, scroll down to the Primary Databases, and choose Academic Search Complete. Because Academic Search Complete is multidisciplinary, it will include articles from several relevant disciplines, including eduation, psychology, and biology. Other good choices would include ERIC, or the psychology databases or Research Library listed further down the page.

I searched Academic Search Complete, using the term nature AND nurture. This search will return articles containing both the word nature and the word nurture. I did not include the word versus or its abbreviation because authors don't necessarily interpret the interaction of the factors as oppositional. I limited my results to 2006-2012 and peer reviewed articles.

The search returned 621 results. The first article is about behavior genetics, and might be useful, however, I don't want such a large pool of results to review. I added your first construct, intelligence, and searched nature AND nurture AND intelligence. This yielded 23 results, including:

Spinath, F. M., Spinath, B., & Plomin, R. (2008). The nature and nurture of intelligence and motivation in the origins of sex differences in elementary school achievement. European Journal Of Personality, 22(3), 211-229. doi:10.1002/per.677

Your other constructs can be substituted for intelligence: nature AND nurture AND behavior for example, or nature AND nurture AND personality. Run each search separately. The first yields 169 results, the second search yields 42. While not all of the articles returned are relevant, a number are.

Let us know if you have further problems!

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