
How do I find peer reviewed articles on multiple sclerosis in occupational therapy?


I can't remember how to work the website to search for peer reviewed materials.

Answered By: Melissa Hozey
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 192

On the library website, find the link to LibGuides.  There is an Occupational Therapy Libguide.  Once you are there, click on the yellow tab, at the top on the page, called "Articles."  The very first thing you will see is a video you can watch explaining peer-reviewed journals.  It is included here.  Also, a quick tip is to limit your search by checking the Peer Reviewed box on the search page, when you are in your selected database.  Usually, this is somewhere on the left-hand side of the page.  For an example in your case, the Libguide has suggested CINAHL PlUS with Full Text.  To search only OT articles, click "advanced search" under the search box, then choose Occupational Therapy in the "Special Interest" box near the bottom left of the page.  The peer reviewed box is on the right hand side.  Check that as well. Then search "multiple sclerosis" in All Text.  You will get over 600 articles.     


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