
I am seeking resource information on academic empowerment in the innercity school system. Where can I find information?


Answered By: Melissa Hozey
Last Updated: Sep 01, 2020     Views: 29

The library has many print and electronic resources to help with education research.  A good starting place is the education LibGuide.  Under the tab "articles," are links to suggested databases.  For example, a boolean search on ERIC for "inner city" AND schools AND empowerment yields some excellent results.  (Don't forget to search phrases, such as "inner city," in quotation marks!  Also, check the Full Text box on the search page so that all the results are sure to be complete articles.)  An example result is,shib&db=eric&AN=ED523643&site=ehost-live&custid=bre1  "The Effectiveness of the Consistency Management & Cooperative Discipline (CMCD) Model as a Student Empowerment and Achievement Enhancer: The Experiences of Two K-12 Inner-City School Systems"

Besides the Education LibGuide, the library also has ebooks and print materials on this subject.  In fact, the simple keyword search for inner city schools in the library catalog brings up several ebooks and print books on academics and inner city schools.

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