The library has online tools to help you find the research help you need. One of the best starting places is the Education LibGuide, found at: Included here is also a link to the library's Advanced Educational Research libguide. This is found in the golden-colored tabs, located across the top of the LibGuide. One of the other helpful links is the one called Articles. This will help you find the best databases to search for your topic. Clicking on one of the suggested databases will take you directly to our Web-based, online library of articles. Here you should be able to search for your topic and find journal articles that you need. To get you started, here is an example article on your topic, found in the suggested ERIC database:,shib&db=eric&AN=ED366135&site=ehost-live&custid=bre1
While you are visiting the Education LibGuide, check out the other helpful links as well, such as Websites. If you have any questions, you can always make an appointment to see a librarian, or speak with one on the phone.
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