
Yes, I was trying to locate and articles or clinical trials on the SaeboFlex.


SaeboFlex is a particular splint

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 28


To locate articles on the SaeboFlex, search as you would any other topic. Go to our LibGuides at and choose a guide, such as the Occupational Therapy guide. Click on the Articles tab, and begin searching the databases. I would just search the name SaeboFlex because it is so unusual. A broad search such as this will bring up everything including articles and clinical trials. I would not expect to find too much in the literature on a specific product, so for a comprehensive search it would be best to search several databases from the list.

The Cochran Library covers clinical trials, so be sure to include it in the databases you search. It is linked among the databases listed on this tab.

The best additional source for clinical trials is, which you can access from the Web Sites tab on the OT Libguide. It's in the Evidence Based Practice box. You will find a few results there that may be helpful.

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