
are there any books or articles on Rh incompatibility


Answered By: Marlene Giguere
Last Updated: Aug 25, 2020     Views: 66

I suggest that you search the database CINAHL PlUS with full text.  You can access it through the library's Nursing LibGuide at under the Articles tab. In order to find relevant results you should use the database terms called Subject Headings - they gather all relevant material regardless of the way the author expresses it under particular terms called subject headings.  The best way to identify these subject terms is to input your initial terms and when the results display look on the left hand toolbar and click on Subject: Major Headings for suggestions.  Below you will find a couple of suggested subject headings discovered in this manner - there may be others of interest as well.  

When you select CINAHL PLUS with full text from the list of databases on the Articles page of the LibGuide, you may be asked to login with your Brenau username and password.  Then you will arrive at the database search box.  Select the Advanced Search and you will have several search boxes available to input your terms.  In the first box, input Blood Group Incompatibiiity and in the adjacent box specify that you want it searched in the Exact Subject Heading field.  In the next box, input RH and specify that it be searched in the Word in Subject Heading box.  With this search you should retrieve about thirty articles with titles such as Preventing RH disease or Screening for RH.

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