There are a couple of places in GALILEO where some information can be found about the American women's suffrage movement. In GALILEO, under browse by subject select history. Then, when an expanded list appears, select history again. A list of suggested places to search comes up. If you select Academic Search Complete and type "women's suffrage" AND "United States," over 60 articles appear. (Before typing in the search terms, check the box for full-text only.) Several of these articles discuss various aspects of the Women's Suffrage Association itself. Other articles are dealing with more specific results. One thing to be careful of-- make sure you type the apostrophe in "women's suffrage." If you don't, no results will appear.
Another database to look into is Annals of American History. Typing "women's suffrage" into the search box yields many interesting results, including actual speeches made by suffragettes.
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