
What are libtabs? My professor told me there was a tab called 'libtabs' where I could find journal articles, but I don't see it.


Answered By: Trustee Library
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2017     Views: 88


Your professor was referring to LibGuides, subject specific guides the library has created to make your research MUCH easier!

Go to

Choose the guide for the subject you are researching - we currently have over 30 various guides. If you don't see your subject listed as one of the top 10 most popular on the front page, click the link that says "Browse all Guides" at the top of the page to see the full list. If you just need a general guide, click the Libguide Diving Board for broad based  library resources.

Once you are in the specific subject you need, look at the gold tabs across the top. One of them says Articles. This tab takes you to a page of links to the best databases related to your topic. Click the name of the database that will work best for your research and search from there!

Remember, each database holds a unique set of resources so if you don't find what you need in the first database you search, go back to the LibGuide, pick a new database and try again!

Thanks so much for your question and if you need anymore help please let me know!

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