Answered By: Linda Kern Last Updated: Aug 25, 2020 Views: 219
For those not in the know, our eBooks are accessible through most of the LibGuides or through eBooks on EBSCOhost. Our eBooks can be read on the spot without downloading or can be downloaded for later use. Reading them is as easy as finding the right book and clicking the eBook Full Text link.
Downloading the eBooks requires a bit of set-up, but is also very easy to do once the set-up is done.
Begin by finding a book you want to download.
First, you need a My EBSCOhost account. If you have already created a My EBSCOhost account to store your research, use that account. When you click the Download link EBSCO will prompt you to log in. If you don't yet have a My EBSCOhost account, click the link to Create a New Account. You can use any user name and password combo you choose; it can be your Brenau info, but it doesn't have to be. Detailed directions are available using the Help link at the top of the page or here.
Next, you will be asked to download Adobe Digital Editions, the eReading software. This is a quick process using the wizard. You will have a choice to "activate Adobe Digital Editions. During activation, you have the option to authorize your computer with an Adobe ID. If you don't have an Adobe ID, creating one is free and only takes a minute. The Adobe ID enables you to transfer items protected by digital rights management (DRM) between multiple computers or devices." Or, you can pass on that choice and elect to only view the book on the computer it's downloaded on. Additional information about Adobe Digital Editions is available here.
After these two steps, you can download any books you choose.
Please be considerate of other users. If you want to read the book or use it extensively, check it out for a longer period. If you only intend to do a little research, don't bother with the download; view the book online while needed. When you log off, it will become available for the next user.
Choices, choices!
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