
How can a find an articles DOI number for an article if I do not see it listed?


I am using the following two articles and I cannot find their listed DOI numbers



Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Sep 01, 2020     Views: 482

Hello! The links in your question aren't working (EBSCO doesn't put persistent links in the URL bar at the top of the page) so I can't see the articles themselves. I can give you a general answer, though.

Not every item in ERIC is a journal article. At this point in time, it is generally only the journal articles in the databases that have DOI's. First, be sure it is a journal article. Second, not every journal article has an assigned DOI. I would look for it in a few ways:

  1. From the database's results list, I would click on the title of the article to get to the detailed record of the article. I would glance down the detailed record to see it it is listed there. I would also click the "cite" button on the right toolbar and look for it in the citation.
  2. I would open the PDF of the article if it is available and look for it at the top and bottom of the first page.
  3. I would Google the journal, find the home page of the journal, and check the journal's archive for information on the article. Even though you usually can't access the full text of the article this way, you can often see the bibliographic information, including the DOI

If I didn't find the DOI this way, I would stop looking and format my reference entry without the DOI. Instead, the page numbers would be followed by this phrase using the journal's home page URL: Retrieved from

If you want to send me the article citations, I'll be glad to retrieve and look at the specific articles.

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