Answered By: Linda Kern Last Updated: Sep 02, 2020 Views: 132
Much of the literature seems focused on student centered learning rather than teacher centered learning, but the student-centered information will draw contrasts with teacher-centered. Much of the literature is also focused on college and university students, a population not relevant to your search.
Begin at the Education LibGuide, Click on the articles tab. Scroll down to Academic Search Complete and click on the title. You may need to enter your Brenau Username and password to log in.
Once in Academic Search Complete, I started with a broad search: ("student centered" OR "teacher centered") AND learning. Paste it into the search box with the parentheses and quotes. You are telling it to search for either student or teacher centered learning. Even with limiting the results to peer reviewed, full text articles published in the last 10 years (all of these limiters are located in the toolbar running down the left side of the results page), I was left with 430 results, way too many to sort through.
I continued to narrow by scrolling further down that toolbar on the left side of the results page. I clicked on Subject: Thesaurus Term and clicked the boxes for both STUDENT-entered learning and TEACHING methods. I scrolled down a little more and clicked on NAICS/Industry. Here I clicked the box for Elementary and secondary schools.
This left a very small pool of 13 results, including many from other countries. One result, however, seems to be a goldmine: Tzuo, P. (2007). The tension between teacher control and children’s freedom in a child-centered classroom: Resolving the practical dilemma through a closer look at the related theories. Early Childhood Education Journal, 35(1), 33-39. doi:10.1007/s10643-007-0166-7.
I wasn't satisfied with the "teacher centered" results in the search, so I broadened it to search simply "teacher centered". The elimination of the word learning from the search helped the results. I also limited to full text, peer reviewed journals published within the last 10 years. I did not limit to elementary and secondary schools. This search yielded good results including Freiberg, H., & Lamb, S. M. (2009). Dimensions of person-centered classroom management. Theory Into Practice, 48(2), 99-105. doi:10.1080/00405840902776228 and another article, Brown, K. (2003). From teacher-centered to learner-centered curriculum: Improving learning in diverse classrooms. Education, 124(1), 49-54.
For additional information, I would return to the LibGuide,click on the Books tab, and select eBooks at EBSCOhost. Here I searched "student centered Learning", and found Jonassen, D. H. (2000). Theoretical foundations of learning environments. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.This ebook has a chapter entitled Student-Centered Learning Environments.
For more results, I would return to the articles tab of the LibGuide, select ERIC from the database list, and execute the same searches there.
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