Answered By: Trustee Library Last Updated: Aug 27, 2020 Views: 88
To find the databases, you can use the American Literature LibGuide -- although the guide has "American literature" in the title, these resources are good for finding resources in English literature as well.
The most successful term I used was "Victorian courtship." It didn't seem to matter whether the term was in quotes or not, nor did it seem to matter if the connector "AND" was used to tie the words together.
A print book in our reference area which may be of interest to you is Mitchell, S. (1988). Victorian Britain: An encyclopedia. New York: Garland Pub. Esp. pp. 733-735 The call number of this book is Ref. DA550 .V53 1988. You may want to go into this area of the Main Collection and look at the tables of contents and indexes of books in this general area to see if you can find additional information in our print collection.
I also found the following electronic resources.
From Humanities International Complete: Palmer, S. (2005). Political Context Re-considered: Henry James and Marriage Reform in The Wings of the Dove. English Studies in Canada, 31(4), 75-99. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.,shib&db=hlh&AN=25451538&site=ehost-live&custid=bre1 (Summary--The article analyzes the political context of marriage as depicted in "The Wings of the Dove," by Henry James. The story discusses the various approach on courtship rituals in the Victorian society. Another critic explains that the novel story signified the conceptuality of social and economic authority at the early twentieth century. The novel also features the disputes on marriage reform which aims to change the power relations in a state.)
From JSTOR: J. Hillis Miller (2005) Literature and a Woman's Right to Choose: Not to Marry. Diacritics Vol. 35, No. 4, Literature and the Right to Marriage (Winter, 2005), pp. 42-58 Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press Article Stable URL:
From Google Books: Frost, G. S. (1995). Promises broken: Courtship, class, and gender in Victorian England. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
From Google Books: Perkin, J. (1995). Victorian women. New York: New York University Press. Especially the chapter, "Sex, Courtship, and Marriage" starting on page 51.
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