As a new GALILEO user, I encourage you to check out our LibGuides.
This is a great place to get started on research.
First, find the Libguide best related to your topic.
By clicking on the link at the top of the page for "Browse All Libguides" you can find 32 different subjects, including business, education nursing and many more.
Once you see the best guide for your research, click on the title. If you just need some broad-based resources, the LibGuide Divingboard will be your best bet. Once you click on a specific libguide, you can use the gold tabs at the top of the page to navigate. If you want books as sources, use the Books tab to search the library catalog for print books and ebooks. Use the Articles tab to find the best databases of journals to use.
Many of our databases are hosted on GALILEO, so I think the articles tab is the one you really want to explore. There is a video on the articles tab that gives you more instruction on how to do database searching!
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