
I need help on locating a specific article.


I need the article: Creswell, C., Hentges, F., Parkinson, M., Sheffield, P., Willetts, L., & Cooper, P. (2010). Feasibility of guided cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) self-help for childhood anxiety disorders in primary care. Mental Health in Family Medicine, 7, 49-57. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. I need the article for a research paper. Thanks so much!

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 92


To locate the full text of a specific article such as the one you need, go to the eJournals listing in the library catalog.

  • Paste the name of the journal, in this case Mental Health in Family Medicine and click search. If the Journal is available full text, the catalog will provide links to the databases where you can access it. This journal is available in Academic Search Complete, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, and the Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection.
  • Click on one of the databases.
  • When the database opens, click on the link "Search within this publication". This will open a searching page wth the journal name already in the search box. Add the title of the article to the search box, using this format:
    • AND "Feasibility of guided cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) self-help for childhood anxiety disorders in primary care". You can paste this into the search box. The "AND" means to look for this journal AND this article. Putting the article in quotes narrows down the search to the specific title.
    • the entire search looks like this: JN "Mental Health in Family Medicine" AND" Feasibility of guided cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) self-help for childhood anxiety disorders in primary care" .
    • Click search.
  • The article will come up. Click on the PDF Full text link to read the article

This article is available full text. But what if it isn't? If the eJournals listing in the catalog doesn't find the journal's name, it's not immediately available in full text. If you still want it, you can request the article through the Library's Information Delivery Service.

I hope this helps with your research. If you have other questions, please ask!

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