There are a variety of ways to begin your research! Get a feel for how to go about it by viewing a short tutorial video, Planning Your Research, from the library’s collection of Research Videos. It is also helpful to browse the library’s LibGuide for your subject to explore some different aspects of your topic. If you’d like to speak to a librarian about your research, call the library at (770) 534-6113 for our information desk. You may also drop by the Trustee Library on Gainesville campus, or make an appointment for a phone or in-person consultation by calling the library or completing the form at We’re here to help!
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Trustee Library: 625 Academy Street, Gainesville, Georgia 30501 | | | (P) 770-534-6113 or Toll-Free 800-252-5119, x6113 | (F) 770-534-6254 |