
Change capitalization of a disorder in title in APA


Change capitalization of a disorder in title in APA
I looked in APA Style blog and you do not capitalize the name of a disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; however you you change it if it is incorrectly capitalized in a title of a reference listing? If the rest of the title is correctly not capitalized (except first letter and after a colon), do you change it? Thank you! Finalizing thesis!

Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Aug 05, 2020     Views: 2282

I think I understand your question but if I don't answer what you are really asking then feel free to respond to this.

So, if you're asking if you capitalize the name of a disorder that is a part of a title in your reference entry the answer is no.  The name of the disorder should be lower case in the reference entry title even if the author's capitalized the disorder in the title of their paper.  Congrats on finishing your thesis!

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