
APA Citation


APA Citation
I have been listing sources such as websites on my reference page when I use information from a website or article. However, I have not been providing in-text citations since I'm not paraphasing, summarizing, etc. and only using the information. For example, when writing a business report, I used the business' website to look up the different departments it has. I list the names of these departments in a sentence that outlines what kind of departments the business has. Am I doing this correctly or do I need to cite this?
Please let me know if you need me to explain further. Thanks!

Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: May 29, 2018     Views: 171


While it is good that you are being careful to list all sources that you've used in your research there is no need to include a website on your references page that you haven't used in the body of your paper.  One of the most important aspects of proper use of APA is that your in-text citations and your references page match.  So, if it is important to show that you've used the business website in order to meet the requirements of your assignment then go ahead and throw an in-text citation into the paper to let the reader know that you found the department types by using the website.  That way you've met the requirements of the assignment and you've assured that your in-text citations and references page match.


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